Serving Northwest Arkansas, Southwest Missouri and Eastern Oklahoma since 1956

When you choose an agent with Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette to sell your home, you are also choosing a regional network of over 305 agents across three cities in Northwest Arkansas with over 82,000 clients in their network to whom they can market your home. That is just the beginning, we are a part of a global company with 100,000 agents that span 41 countries. We are a real estate powerhouse with an endless amount of connections and resources, empowered to help you with your real estate needs.

Why Coldwell Banker® Harris McHaney & Faucette?

This company started with the goal of creating a first class professional real estate company that would have the respect and admiration of our peers. It was and is our belief that with hard work, honesty, and the true care for those we work for and with, we could fashion together an organization that would rise to the top of our profession.

We knew if we paid attention to the little things, the big things would take care of themselves. Our profession has become more and more filled with details and requirements that force us to make sure each "i" is dotted and each "t" is crossed. Not only must we be concerned with the increasing requirements of our profession, but we must remember the little extra details and efforts we put out will make the difference between success and just average performance.
It has become increasingly clear over the years that it is the little extra things we do that will lead to so much of our success.
It is extremely important we remember we are in a people business and to be truly successful in this type of business, you truly must care about the people you work for and with. It is extremely important to treat everyone, no matter who they are, just like you would want to be treated.
Finally, it is our strong desire that we operate and think in terms of the "Long Haul" as opposed to the short term or the quick dollar. If we will always remember that if we honestly take care of those that we are working with, they will take care of us.

Guiding You Home Since 1956

Here at Coldwell Banker® Harris McHaney & Faucette we live and work by a set of core cultural values. They are having a culture of awesomeness, caring, teaching, and diversity.


Culture of awesomeness

Here at Coldwell Banker we pride ourselves on our culture. It is at the heart of everything we do. This is shown through the environment we create for our over 300 agents. The only way to describe this is a culture of awesomeness. 

Awesomeness is a mindset that runs through every CBHMF agent and office.  Awesomeness is a feeling of energy and optimism that’s impossible to ignore. It’s the only way we can describe what happens when our global network of agents and brokers joins forces, sharing insight and knowledge to succeed together.

Culture of caring

Northwest Arkansas is our home. Founded in 1956, our brokerage has been guiding Northwest Arkansas home for over 65 years. CBHMF has active participation in over (25) NWA charitable organizations including the Single Parent Scholarship Fund, Metavivor, Special Olympics, Veteran Affairs, and many more. This does not include any of our community building events like our First Friday tent or Bike and Brews. Take a look at our YouTube Playlist to see some of our community involvement. We’re passionate about supporting the communities where we live, work and play.


Culture of teaching

Keeping with agent’s success being at the forefront of our brand, our non-competing brokers are there to guide and coach all of their agents into being the best agents that they can be. We offer comprehensive training sessions on a variety of topics taught by veterans in the field. Coaching to confidence allows affiliated agents to expand their business through education, coaching and support. All of this keeps our agents as the experts not just in Northwest Arkansas but the Real Estate profession as a whole.

Culture of diversity

The Coldwell Banker brand has long been committed to being a leader in diversity and inclusion, not just in the real estate industry but in the world at large. We’re proud to be a company that takes meaningful action in creating a more equitable society. We do this through the ethics that we embody in our everyday practices. We are proud partners with industry associations like NAHREP, NAREB, AAREA and the LGBTQ + Real Estate Alliance that represent and support agents from diverse backgrounds. Our agents are proud to take the Fair Housing Pledge, a commitment to providing every client, regardless of race, gender or orientation, the same level of respect and excellence. From our CB Women initiative to the creation of our What Moves HerSM series championing the perspectives and talent of women in real estate, the Coldwell Banker brand is deeply invested in fostering leadership and entrepreneurship opportunities for women. Here at CBHMF we are constantly trying to find ways to support and empower our agents to better our community.

Our History

In the Spring of 1956, George C. Faucette, Sr., started McCartney-Lewis-Faucette later to be known as G. C. Faucette, Realtors, and Faucette Real Estate. He began with one part-time agent. In 1986 the company was affiliated with Coldwell Banker Corporation. In May of 1976, Jack McHaney and Pat Harris formed Harris McHaney Real Estate Company (later to be changed to Harris McHaney Realtors) with one part-time agent.

In February of 2010, Coldwell Banker Faucette Real Estate and Harris McHaney Realtors joined to become Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette. Our company currently is:

  • One of the largest real estate companies in NW Arkansas (?)
  • The largest Coldwell Banker company in Arkansas
  • The second-largest real estate company in Arkansas
  • The #25 ranked Coldwell Banker affiliate in the United States
  • 2010-2017 - Ranked between the 21st and 32nd largest Coldwell Banker affiliate in North America.


Meet Some Of Our Affiliates

We couldn't do what we do without the help of our amazing affiliate partners that are ready and excited to help you with all that goes into purchasing a home. From Title companies and Mortgage services, a Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette agent will help find the right fit for you while you go through the home purchase process.

Gateway Mortgage can help you find out how much you are preapproved for and navigating the financial process surrounding buying a home.

Mercury Title will be there to assist in the legal side of the home buying process.

Whether you are an investor out-of-state or need to rent while you find your dream home, Harris McHaney is our property management company partner in Northwest Arkansas.

The Coldwell Banker® Brand

The Coldwell Banker brand is the oldest and most established residential real estate franchise system in North America. In fact, in many ways it was the original real estate “start up.” Founded by young entrepreneurs Colbert Coldwell in 1906 and later Benjamin Banker, Coldwell Banker changed the way people bought and sold homes across America, ultimately becoming one of the most trusted real estate brands in the world. More than 100 years later, the Coldwell Banker network is still continuously recognized for its innovation and leadership across 3,000 offices in 49 countries and territories.