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New to NWA? A Comparative Guide to the Five Major Cities

  After driving north through the Bobby Hopper Tunnel and following I-49 for 20 minutes, you’ll be greeted by a breathtaking view from a hill south of Fayetteville. Here, the beginning of Northwest Arkansas’ urban landscape is a stunning contrast to the rolling hills that hug the interstate. The view at night is equally mesmerizing, […]

Five Holiday Events in NWA You Need to Attend

May 20, 2022

Dec 13, 2019 The infamous lighting of the square in both Bentonville and Fayetteville are the most highly-attended holiday events in Northwest Arkansas. After their funnel cakes, pony rides, and sugar-fueled postponed bedtimes, most families return home until December 25. The greatest part about Northwest Arkansas during the holidays is the plethora of festivities to […]


6 Easy Steps to Buying a Northwest Arkansas Home

May 20, 2022

Nov 05, 2019 Tired of renting? 🏡 Relocating to Northwest Arkansas? Upgrading to a bigger place? Whatever your reason, the first step is the decision to buy. Let’s face it, everyone loves a checklist 😊 Step 1: Research time Personally, I have YouTube’d my way through many projects in the past. A few home repairs, […]


Top 5 Reasons to Move to Bella Vista, Arkansas

May 20, 2022

  Updated November 2019 It’s impressive to see the progress Bella Vista has made since becoming an official city in 2007. Bella Vista has transitioned from a vacation and retirement village to a dynamic, thriving, and active community for people of all ages. There are many reasons to make the move to Bella Vista, but […]


Moving to NWA? Hire Local Movers You Can Trust

May 20, 2022

Updated October 2019   After you find a house, it is just as important to find movers you can trust to transport all of the things that will make your new house feel like home. The process of packing, moving, and unpacking everything in your life can be daunting. Between trying to puzzle together furniture […]

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