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South Asian Roots Fostering Community in NWA

According to EngageNWA’s Engage the Future diversity report, Northwest Arkansas’ population is set to grow 19% by 2026, climbing from 555,481 to an estimated 611,193. If the momentum continues, NWA could welcome its one-millionth resident by the year 2050! This milestone highlights our region’s growth and future. A growing wave of new residents from South […]

Thinking of Buying Land in NWA? Here Are Some Tips

June 29, 2022

If you thought buying land was as simple as calling on a listing while you are on your Sunday drive, it really isn’t that easy. There is much more to consider. Clients often have many questions about what to look for when buying land for sale and can find the task extremely overwhelming. We have […]


Things To Do In Southwest Missouri!!

June 28, 2022

Southwest Missouri is a beautiful area that often is overshadowed by the ever-growing Northwest Arkansas area. There are so many unique places to explore. Whether you are looking for something adventurous near your new home, a good meal, or a road trip oddity, you are sure to find a destination on this list that fits your […]


Things To Do in Bella Vista!

May 30, 2022

Mar 14, 2022 As we impatiently wait for spring to arrive, we thought we’d spend our time exploring just how many things there are to do in Bella Vista. Fun fact, it is one of the most outdoor-oriented towns in NWA. With over 150 miles of mountain biking and multi-use trails, 7 recreation lakes, 6 […]


Should You Sell Your NWA Home in 2022?

May 30, 2022

Mar 03, 2022 As Homeowners, we’ve all heard the phrases “it’s a seller’s market” and “now is the time to sell.” But are those just clever marketing phrases? Or are there actual stats legitimizing these statements? At Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette, we wanted to list out some of our top reasons why selling […]


¡Cosas que hacer en Lowell!

May 30, 2022

Mar 03, 2022 Es hora de otra parada emocionante en nuestro recorrido por el noroeste de Arkansas mientras nos dirigimos a Lowell, Arkansas. Justo al sur de Rogers, esta ciudad sin pretensiones tiene varias gemas ocultas que la convierten en un excelente lugar para comprar una casa. Es la combinación perfecta de raíces sureñas y […]


¡Cosas que hacer en Rogers!

May 30, 2022

Mar 03, 2022 Continuamos nuestra serie de “cosas para hacer” en la ciudad a través del noroeste de Arkansas y nos encontramos en la increíble ciudad de Rogers, Arkansas. Esta ciudad es mucho más que una sola tienda. (A menudo, Rogers es conocida por ser la ciudad con el primer Walmart Supercenter) ¡Rogers tiene una […]

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